Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break 2013...

So spring break is supposed to be warmer and sunny... Welcome to Arkansas... We had 7 inches of snow at my house and it has been chilly the entire time... But the funny part is that just a couple of days before the snow it was 70 degrees!!! This is Arkansas during one day we get all 4 seasons!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Every story

Every person has a story
That story needs to be told
Young or old
Rich or poor
Healthy or breathing your last breath
If we tell our story
We have the ability to change someone
Someone who is drawing their last breath
We all have a story to share...
The time to share is now!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Singers Trip

Ok... so I now have a new best friend and its name is Dramamine. I am on a Singers trip and and had to take one and I had a very peaceful nap on the singers bus!!! Yay me!!! Anywho... The host family that I am with is super nice and cool. They live right on the edge of the lake and have a gorgeous home!!! I love singers trips that are over night because we all get to bond so much during the time and get to meet some really great people! 

I won't have time to blog tomorrow because we will be performing twice and traveling the rest of the time! But I'm pretty excited! I have blogged 3 times now and I think I'm getting the hang of it! 

See y'all in a day or so!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013


All alone in a world full of people
She is never seen
All alone in a family of love
She is never welcomed
All alone to fend for herself
She has never been happy
Love was found but she kept slipping
Down into her black hole
No future near or far 
She is always alone
Dying inside with no where to run
Always having to put on a front
She is gonna break
Her skin will split in two
Her blood will ooze 
Scars will be bright
After all 
That is the only future she has

First ever blog~!~!~!

ok... so we shall see how this goes... 
This is my first ever blog and I hope to try an update as much as possible. But like the blogs name says, I am a college kid so I don't have much time but I will make due with the time I do have. Some of my blogs may be quotes, poems, journal entries, songs, etc. Just what ever seems to fit for that day. I do write my own poetry so most of my stuff will hopefully be my original pieces... meaning that it may not be perfect but it will be what just comes out of it. 
Here goes nothin'! LET'S BLOG!!!